Thursday, 10 June 2010

My 3 FMP Ideas

My 3 FMP Ideas

When we first got given the brief to work on our ideas for our fmp, my first initial idea that sprung to mind was stereotyping.
The reason for this idea, is that I studied it for my GCSE Art, and already have a bit of knowledge backed up on it. So when we got given the task to come up with three ideas for the fmp, this was my main one. When I did this topic for my GCSE I studied the main two stereotypes at the time, which was “Emo” and “Chav”. I studied these because I had strong opinions on them, as I used to be bullied because I was categorised into one of these groups. But as I progressed through the years and these stereotypes were then pushed into the background, it then became prominent that there were lots of other stereotypes that mattered a great deal more. These are the stereotypes that I wanted to study and make everyone aware of.
These stereotypes are general things you come across everyday, such as sexism, racism, and also a little child abuse. I think that these stereotypes matter a lot and I have very strong opinions on the way that people react and act towards them. With my fmp, I didn’t just want to get the grades I wanted, I also wanted to open up peoples eyes to the world, and try and get people to understand that everyone is different, but at the same time, we are all the same and equal to each other. I didn’t know how this would turn out, but it was something I really wanted to give ago.
For the content of my FMP, (Interactive piece, 3D, website), I wasn’t quite sure about what I wanted to create, but that didn’t matter as my interest was then turned to something else. This was due to the fact that I found that this idea was going to need a lot of filming done, and I felt limited to what I could achieve.

I then took a day to try and think of another theme I could present, and on that day “Monsters Inc” appeared on TV. So whilst watching this, I was concentrating on the 3D modelling that had been used and thought that the creatures looked really good and also quite strange. This them brought to my attention that I could use mythical and fantasy creatures as my theme.
With this I wanted to use fantasy and mythical creatures as my main block background and research, but then once that is done, start making my own fantasy world with different creatures that I had created. I liked this idea as I thought it would be quite fun to do, as well as fun to look at.
For my interactive piece, I was pondering around the idea of making a maze, in which you had to get away from the minotaur. Another idea was to have a couple of creatures that I had made up and making it into a book, so you flick through the pages to have a look at a biography about them and also an 3D video.
For my 3D I was thinking of just a few creatures running about and interacting. I wasn’t too sure what to do for my website, but was again pondering on the idea of doing something to do with a “create your own creature”, and having some info about mythical and fantasy creatures.
I then scrapped this idea as I lost interest in it within the first week.

The third idea that I came up with was body art. Again I studied this for my GCSE Art, but tied it with stereotyping, so I still had a lot of knowledge behind me, but again, in my GCSE Art, I only studied a fraction of it.
With my fmp I wanted to study a lot more then a fraction, which meant looking at tattooing, piercing, scarification, hair colour, makeup and also body and face paint. I didn’t want to achieve anything proper with this, as I knew that a lot of people, even myself was disgusted with some of the things that can be done. I just wanted to study it and play around with the looks of people.
This idea was then pushed into the background as I though it was kind of boring and involved a hell of a lot of work. This then pushed me onto narrowing it down. So Instead of looking at body art, I started looking at tattoos and the design process of them.
With this, my idea was to show people that tattooing isn’t a violation to the skin, its an art just like any other. It gives you the chance to express yourself and show who you are. For this I wanted to come up with a lot of my own designs and also take photos of other peoples, so I would have to spend a lot of time down my local tattooists. I also wanted to have an interview with a couple of tattooists to show it from the point of view. All of this content would then be shown to the public via my interactive piece and my website.

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