This section to be completed by the Learner
Learner Name: Hannah Powell
BTEC Registration Number:
Centre Name: Coleg Gwent, Newport
Centre Number:
This section to be completed by the Learner
Learner Name: Hannah Powell
BTEC Registration Number:
Centre Name: Coleg Gwent, Newport
Centre Number:
Specialist Area: Interactive Media
The Idea i have chosen for my FMP is body art mixed with stereotyping. I have chosen this because i have a huge interest in it. With this theme in mind, i want to open peoples eyes to the fact that body art is an art, and not just a thing that "ruins" the body. I want to do this by showing the fun in body art, such as design, and the fact that the majority of it you can remove if wanted.
I want to show that is a safe process, but if went wrong, what the care and effects of it is.
Another thing i want to research into, is the cultural element of it, and how different cultures use body art for celebrations, special occasions, and also to represent things.
With this project, i dont want to look too much into the history of it, as i think that not alot of people who use body art, would be interested. I want to focus more on what people think of it now, and what different cultures use it for.
For the research of this project, i will mostly be looking at different cultures, effects, caring and also what and where can you get it done. Aswell as these, i will also looking at alot more things, such as what makeup, facepaint and henna etc, is made out of.
The stereotyping part of my project will be focused on body art. for example, you associate butterfly tattoos with women, and you associate skull tattoos, with men. But this is not the case.
This example will be the sort of stuff i look for within body art. So, what people think, what you associate people with.
My Game/ interacive idea
I havent got a final idea foor my game, but i have had alot of ideas for it. After having the group discussion and the presentations, i have had alot of idea thrown at me for my game. These involves games along the lines of "Guess the tattoo" and "Design your own tattoos". I like these ideas, but the only problem i have with them is that they are only about tattooing, where my project is about all types of body art.
I would like to create a game which includes all of my FMP.
I think that after a fair bit of research on art-based games, will give me a bit more ideas which will hopefully lead me to my final idea.
My 3D idea
For my 3D, i have been thinking alot about it, and couldnt find anything that i could do about body art, so what i have came up with instead, is creating my own ident.
This ident will then be used at the begning of mini movies i will be making throughout the project.
These movies will be of people/ friends getting piercings, tattoos, henna and makeup done. They will then be displayed on my website.
I got alot of inspiration for the idents from MTV idents, located on youtube.
My Website idea
My aim for my website is to create a fun, attractive website which will show people that body art is art and not something that will "ruin" your body.
I want to include tutorials, videos and alot of pictures of the body art in my website, along with information about the type of body art and also care and effects of it.
My website is going to be "A guide to body art" website.
The Idea i have chosen for my FMP is body art mixed with stereotyping. I have chosen this because i have a huge interest in it. With this theme in mind, i want to open peoples eyes to the fact that body art is an art, and not just a thing that "ruins" the body. I want to do this by showing the fun in body art, such as design, and the fact that the majority of it you can remove if wanted.
I want to show that is a safe process, but if went wrong, what the care and effects of it is.
Another thing i want to research into, is the cultural element of it, and how different cultures use body art for celebrations, special occasions, and also to represent things.
With this project, i dont want to look too much into the history of it, as i think that not alot of people who use body art, would be interested. I want to focus more on what people think of it now, and what different cultures use it for.
For the research of this project, i will mostly be looking at different cultures, effects, caring and also what and where can you get it done. Aswell as these, i will also looking at alot more things, such as what makeup, facepaint and henna etc, is made out of.
The stereotyping part of my project will be focused on body art. for example, you associate butterfly tattoos with women, and you associate skull tattoos, with men. But this is not the case.
This example will be the sort of stuff i look for within body art. So, what people think, what you associate people with.
My Game/ interacive idea
I havent got a final idea foor my game, but i have had alot of ideas for it. After having the group discussion and the presentations, i have had alot of idea thrown at me for my game. These involves games along the lines of "Guess the tattoo" and "Design your own tattoos". I like these ideas, but the only problem i have with them is that they are only about tattooing, where my project is about all types of body art.
I would like to create a game which includes all of my FMP.
I think that after a fair bit of research on art-based games, will give me a bit more ideas which will hopefully lead me to my final idea.
My 3D idea
For my 3D, i have been thinking alot about it, and couldnt find anything that i could do about body art, so what i have came up with instead, is creating my own ident.
This ident will then be used at the begning of mini movies i will be making throughout the project.
These movies will be of people/ friends getting piercings, tattoos, henna and makeup done. They will then be displayed on my website.
I got alot of inspiration for the idents from MTV idents, located on youtube.
My Website idea
My aim for my website is to create a fun, attractive website which will show people that body art is art and not something that will "ruin" your body.
I want to include tutorials, videos and alot of pictures of the body art in my website, along with information about the type of body art and also care and effects of it.
My website is going to be "A guide to body art" website.
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